2 males and 2 females are born! All black groenendaels.
All puppies are reserved
Both parents are x-rayed with perfect score; HD: A/A and B/B, ED: 0/0, LTV 0 Spondy 0!
Especial is DNA-tested and are free for SDCA 1 but a carrier of SDCA 2. She
is DM and CJM free.
Ladros parents are tested free for SDCA 1 and 2. Which means that he is free.
Some puppies after this combination can be carriers of SDCA2. This will not be
any problems for the puppy. The issue comes when you breed two carriers.
Castor (Ladros) is from our first litter, which we are very satisfied with
and have lines we will keep in our breeding program. He is after High-Spirited Ancara
and also the known Ruutipussi Berserkki.
Siblings to Castor excel in SAR, mondioring, french ring, agility, search
and tracking.
Our B-litter is after his littermate LaLa and she has also given many great
working dogs.
Castor and his owner trains tracking together and they both enjoy it alot.
His owner is a judge for mental description and has only good words to say about
Monique (Especial) is tervueren born in malinois litter (she was the only
long hair). She's from stavle and well known bloodlines.
She is a high tempered female with a clear head and strong nerves, very social to people and dogs.
She has siblings that excel in IGP and in search and rescue (SAR).
One of her brothers have proven spondylosis this year. Monique is therefor
checked again this summer by veterinarian and chiropractor and she didn't get
any remarks.
She had a litter at kennel Nanduhria October 2022 and some of these puppies (6
of 9) are x-rayed with no remarks.
Both parents has a great ability to relax when needed and are very easy to
engage for activity.
We expect social, well balanced dogs with high working capacity in this litter!
They will mostly fit for duty and sports; IGP, ringsport, SAR, obedience,
tracking, search..
NOTE! These puppies will
only be sold to experienced owners
for competing.
The puppies will grow up indoors and get used to sounds that are normal in a
home like; vacuum cleaner, washing machine, tv, coocking, doors that opens and
closes and so on.
They will also get used to be in a car. We will take them around so they can
explore different enviroments, people and different surfaces.
Puppies will be delivered with:
FCI pedigree (registered in NKK)
Health certificate
4 x dewormed
Puppy pack (food, blanket, nail clipper, toys, collar, leash..)
Nanduhria's Ladros (G)HD: A, ED: A, Back ok |
BH IPO3High-Spirited Ancara (G)
HD: A, ED: A, Back & Shoulders ok, Eyes Clear |
IPO3 VPG2 FH1 Ruutipussi Berserkki (T)
HD:A, ED:0 |
KVA IPO3 M-06 MM-06 Prowaffe's Arttu (M) |
IPO3 Cobra v.d Berlex-Hoeve (M) |
Belgerac Daredevil
HD:A, ED:0 |
IPO3 Malek de Salte Cabre (G) |
TJH Belgerac Yla |
BH RuH-C OB3 RO-EliteNanduhria's Hasufel (G)HD A, ED 0Eyes clear |
Boss du Chateau du Paradis (G)
HD:A, ED:0 |
FR3, MR3, Finalist FR 2003,Finalist MR 2004 Orsam de Salte Cabre (G) |
Nina du Champ Boulet (G) |
BHEugenia Primavesi At av Nangijala (G)HD A, ED 0
Eyes clear |
INT.N.S.UCH N.S.LCH N.BCH Chac Mool C av Nangijala (G) |
NUCH Bente Kin V Lana's Hof (G) |
Belgerulvens Especial (T)HD:A, ED:A, Back okEyes clear |
BH AD IPO1Belgerulvens Boris
Cornholio (M)HD:B, ED:0, Spondy 0 |
Bowie vom Clan der W¨lfe (M) |
IPO3 Mecberger Duunari (M) |
Kiss Me von der Steinteichnühle (M) |
Katla van de Haantjeshoek (M) |
Onze Belg Arno (M) |
Isora van de Duvetorre (M) |
Jenoæs Regina (M) HD: A, ED: 0, Eyes clear |
IPO3Hasco van de Duvetorre
(M) |
Filou va de Duvetorre (M) |
Evitta van de Duvetorre (M) |
Jeno's Era (M) |
Carlo vom Roten Milan (M) |
IPO3 Donna vom Parchimer Land (M) |
See title explanations here